Welcome to the Pattern Shop

The Pattern Shop has been carefully restored over the past to provide stunning, sustainable office space. It is being delivered by Newcastle City Council, with support from igloo Regeneration as Development Managers and the wider design and delivery team to bring this spectacular heritage asset back to life.

The vision is to create a distinctive, low carbon, community focused office space that is accessible to all.

It will offer unique office suites from 1,108-32,367 square feet unlike anything else in the Newcastle office market at the moment.

igloo’s Footprint® process is a well-proven, internationally recognised investment methodology that sits deep within the our philosophy, creating additional value and binding all stakeholders’ aspirations into the fabric of every project we take on.

Footprint® has been implemented from the outset on the redevelopment of the Pattern Shop. This commences with an all-party co-creation workshop, to include key stakeholders and community representatives. Our co-creation workshops synthesise policy and drill down using Footprint’s core principles (Circular, Climate, Nature, Place, Community, Wellbeing) and produce a project-specific Footprint Action Plan, supported by all parties, setting out the sustainability objectives for the project which are then followed through to completion and occupation.